Miss Richfield 1981 and “Cancel Cultured Pearls”

How To Survive Our Sensitive New World

Miss Richfield 1981 will not be cancelled, and you won’t either when you see her new show, “Cancel Cultured Pearls”. This all-new extravaganza will explore ways to live in our new politically correct cancel culture. Using original songs, videos, audience interaction, and occasional dance moves, Miss R will leave you entertained and more culturally savvy!

Common Hour Spring 2023: Wondrous Bodies: Gnosticism, Trans Spirituality, and the Intermediate Sex

The theme for the Fall 2022/Spring 2023 Common Hour is Honorable Leadership. We are excited to share the schedule for the Spring 2022 Common Hour series. We will explore what that means by digging into a different issue each month, and engaging with speakers that bring diverse perspectives and experiences.