The 4th Annual People, Place, Plates Read more about The 4th Annual People, Place, Plates Growing for the Future: A Farm-to-Table Fundraising Dinner Join us as we celebrate Fulton Farm and its commitment to educating for sustainability through food. Enjoy an evening of local food and drink, music and prize drawings.
Love in the End Times: On Samuel Delany and #blacklivesmatter Read more about Love in the End Times: On Samuel Delany and #blacklivesmatter Love in the End Times: On Samuel Delany and #blacklivesmatter 4 p.m. in Patterson Bay, Laird Hall Samuel Delany is the preeminent African American science fiction writer. His novels and memoirs tackle the complexities of identity, race, and personal relationships. How might his writings help us respond to anti-black racism, from police violence to microaggression?
Beyond Pragmatic Politics: African American Science Fiction as Political Theology Read more about Beyond Pragmatic Politics: African American Science Fiction as Political Theology Tue. Nov. 3 - Black Apocalypse & Christian Hope Dr. Vincent Lloyd Beyond Pragmatic Politics: African American Science Fiction as Political Theology 12 p.m. in Patterson Bay, Laird Hall
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign: Tim LaHaye's End-Times Theologies Read more about Sign, sign, everywhere a sign: Tim LaHaye's End-Times Theologies Tue. Oct. 20 - Doomsday Scenarios Dr. Kelly Baker Sign, sign, everywhere a sign: Tim LaHaye's End-Times Theologies 12 p.m. in Patterson Bay, Laird Hall I'll talk through some of LaHaye's more recent apocalyptic visions and how they are different, and less popular, than his previous Left Behind series. Signs of end times emerge as political events. Evening: With a Shamble and a Moan: Zombie Apocalypses in American Culture 4 p.m. in Patterson Bay, Laird Hall
Abrupt climate change and sea-level rise: How what we don’t know might hurt us Read more about Abrupt climate change and sea-level rise: How what we don’t know might hurt us Tue. Nov. 10 – Climate Science Dr. Richard Alley Abrupt climate change and sea-level rise: How what we don’t know might hurt us 12 p.m. in Brooks Auditorium Good News in the Greenhouse?. 7 p.m. in Brooks Auditorium The big picture on energy, the environment, and our future.
Sacralizing the Secular: Bill McKibben and the Ethics of Sustainability Read more about Sacralizing the Secular: Bill McKibben and the Ethics of Sustainability Sacralizing the Secular: Bill McKibben and the Ethics of Sustainability 4 p.m. in Patterson Bay, Laird Hall
The Spiritual Roots of the Environmental Crisis: Pope Francis’s Ecology Encyclical Read more about The Spiritual Roots of the Environmental Crisis: Pope Francis’s Ecology Encyclical Tue. Oct. 6 – Care For Our Common Home: Pope Francis and the Environment Dr. Matthew Shadle The Spiritual Roots of the Environmental Crisis: Pope Francis’s Ecology Encyclical 12 p.m. in Patterson Bay, Laird Hall