Celebrate Women’s History Month at Wilson College The College will host a lecture series exploring Wilson women and their contributions to our community. All lectures are free and open to the public. The first two can be attended in person or via Zoom. The third will be available via Zoom only. You can register to receive the Zoom links at https://www.wilson.edu/WHM Tuesday, March 1, noon at the John Stewart Memorial Library or via Zoom The Experience of a Lifetime: Captain Joan Hankey in Her Own Words Amy Ensley, director of the Hankey Center for the History of Women’s Education, will tell the story of the Navy Captain from her college years at Wilson and her fascinating career in the Navy through Hankey’s letters home to her family as well as conversations between Ensley and Hankey over the years. Wednesday, March 9, noon at the John Stewart Memorial Library or via Zoom Navigating the COVID Crisis: Balancing Physical and Mental Health Julie Beck, professor of nursing, leads a panel of four nursing and two health science students to discuss working through the COVID crisis, coping with stress, and balancing work and life. Tuesday, March 15, noon via Zoom only The Good Life: A Conversation Between a Painter and a Writer Painter Melissa Widerkehr ’72 and writer Charlotte Weaver-Gelzer ’72 will have a conversation about their work, perseverance, choices, bumps along the way, and reasons for steadily writing, painting, and sculpting over the last 50 years. Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201