Wilson College Directory Brittany Harman Position Assistant Professor of Psychology Academic Program Psychology Contact via e-mail Bio EDUCATION PhD in Cognitive Science 2017 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Advanced Graduate Certification in Cognitive Neuroscience Dissertation: Consequences of Exposure to Hyperbolic Utterances Specialties: Cognitive Processes Underlie the Effectiveness of Advertising Puffery and Exaggeration MA in Psychology 2014 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Thesis: Exaggeration (And Minimization) Contagion: Do Eyewitnesses Adopt Each Other’s Reporting Style? MS in Psychological Science 2012 Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA Thesis: Differentiating Episodic and Semantic Encoding Strategies to Enhance Student Learning BA in Psychology, Magna cum Laude 2010 Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA TEACHING EXPERIENCE Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Psychology & Department Head Fall 2022 - present Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA Courses: PSY110 Introduction to Psychology PSY207 Learning Principles and Application PSY218 Biopsychology (+ Lab) PSY331 Health Psychology PSY335 Evolutionary Psychology PSY341 Experimental Methods (+ Lab) PSY380 Cognitive Psychology PSY498 Senior Thesis I PSY499 Senior Thesis II Adjunct Professor of Psychology Summer 2022 Allegany College of Maryland, online/remote Course: PSY101 General Psychology Adjunct Professor of Psychology Fall 2021 Drexel University Graduate School, online/remote Course: PSY610 Data Analysis I Assistant Professor of Psychology Fall 2017-Spring 2020 Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA Courses: PSY101 General Psychology PSY105 Research Design & Statistics I PSY205 Research Design & Statistics II PSY325 Psychology of Human Cognition PSY374 Advanced Research I PSY375 Advanced Research II Recitation Instructor/Lab Instructor Fall 2016 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Course: PSY380 Human Cognition Instructor Summer 2016 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Course: PSY260 Survey in Perception & Cognition Recitation Instructor/Lab Instructor Spring 2016 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Course: PSY310 Research & Writing in Psychology Instructor Summer 2015 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Course: PSY367 Memory Recitation Instructor/Lab Instructor Spring 2015 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Course: PSY201 Statistical Methods in Psychology Recitation Instructor/Lab Instructor Spring 2014 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Course: PSY310 Research & Writing in Psychology Teaching Assistant Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY PSY364 Judgment and Decision-Making Fall 2015 PSY375 History and Systems in Psychology Fall 2014 PSY367 Memory Fall 2013 PSY260 Survey in Perception & Cognition Spring 2013 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE IRB—Research Ethics Training Certified August 9, 2022 Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA Advanced Data Analytics Lab Consultant January 2021-October 2021 JLG Industries, Inc., An Oshkosh Corporation Hagerstown, MD Principal Investigator Fall 2017-Spring 2020 Faculty-student research in cognitive psychology Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA Doctoral Candidate Spring 2016-August 2017 Psycholinguistics/Narrative Processing Lab Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Doctoral Student Fall 2012-Spring 2016 Eyewitness Memory Lab Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Graduate Assistant Fall 2010-Spring 2012 Department of Marketing & Management Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA PUBLICATIONS Harman, B. A. (under review). Quantifying hyperbole: Explicit estimates of exaggerated utterances. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. Sato, T., Harman, B. A., Adams, L. T., Evans, J. V., & Coolsen, M. K. (2013). The cell phone reliance scale: Validity and reliability. Individual Differences Research, 11, 121-132. Sato, T., Harman, B. A., Murray, C. A., & Grookett, C. M. (2011). Sociotropy-autonomy and self-control. In A. Durante & C. Mammoliti (Eds.), Psychology of Self-Control (pp. 69-96). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Harman, B. A., & Sato, T. (2011). Cell phone use and grade point average among undergraduate university students. College Student Journal, 45, 544-549. Sato, T., Harman, B. A., Donohoe, W. M., Weaver, A., & Hall, W. A. (2010). Individual differences in ego-depletion: The role of sociotropy-autonomy. Motivation and Emotion, 34, 205-213. CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATIONS Harman, B. A. (2019). Measuring the Mind: How to Quantify Attention, Memory, & Higher-Order Cognitive Processes. Shippensburg University’s Center for Social Research. Shippensburg, PA. Harman, B. A. (2016). Pragmatics of Hyperbole. Stony Brook University’s Annual Second and Fourth Year Cognitive Science Graduate Student Research Symposium. Stony Brook, NY. Harman, B. A., & Franklin, N. (2015). The Insidious Effects of Co-Witness Exaggeration. Presented at the Graduate Memory Conference, Stony Brook Manhattan, NY. Harman, B. A., & Franklin, N. (2015). 100 vs. 10,000 Matches to an Eyewitness’s Description: Are Potential Jurors Sensitive to Base Rates? Presented at the annual American Psychology-Law Society Conference, San Diego, CA. Harman, B. A., & Franklin, N. (2014). Exaggeration (And Minimization) Contagion: Do Eyewitnesses Adopt Each Other’s Reporting Style? Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA. Harman, B. A., & Adams, L. T. (2012). Differentiating Episodic and Semantic Encoding Strategies to Enhance Student Learning. Presented at the annual PASSHE Graduate Research Symposium, Harrisburg, PA. Harman, B. A., & Sato, T. (2012). Cell Phone Use and Grade Point Average Among Undergraduate University Students. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Pittsburgh, PA. Harman, B. A. (2011). Is There a Correlation Between Cell Phone Use and Academic Performance? Presented at the annual PASSHE Graduate Research Symposium, Harrisburg, PA. Franson, R. P., & Harman, B. A. (2011). Measuring the Conceptualization of Critical Thinking. Presented at the annual PASSHE Graduate Research Symposium, Harrisburg, PA. Harman, B. A., & Sato, T. (2010). Ego-Depletion and Vulnerability to Depression. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY. Harman, B. A., & Sato, T. (2010). Individual Differences in Ego-Depletion: The Role of Sociotropy-Autonomy. Presented at the Celebration for Student Research Conference, Shippensburg, PA. ADDITIONAL SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Harman, B. A. (Spring 2020). Cognitive-Based Study Strategies: Getting More Bang for Your Buck. Presented to the Shippensburg University Student Instructor Program. Shippensburg, PA. Harman, B. A. (Fall 2018). The Graduate School Application Process. Presented to the Shippensburg University Psi Chi Members. Shippensburg, PA. Harman, B. A. (Spring 2018). Eyewitness Memory Research: Bringing Cognition into the Courtroom. Presented to the Faculty and Students of Shippensburg University’s Psychology Department. Shippensburg, PA. Harman, B. A. (Fall 2017). Consequences of Exposure to Hyperbolic Utterances. Shippensburg University Psychology Department Faculty Brown Bag Presentation. Shippensburg, PA. Harman, B. A. (Fall 2017). What I Wish I Knew Before Graduate School. Presented to the Faculty and Students of Shippensburg University’s Psychology Department. Shippensburg, PA. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS, HONORS, & AWARDS Current & Past Memberships American Psychology-Law Society Association for Psychological Science Eastern Psychological Association Psychonomic Society Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition Women in Cognitive Science Committees Graduate Committee, Cognitive Science Area Representative, Stony Brook University, 2015 Department of Marketing & Management Hiring Committee, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, 2013 Honors & Awards Stony Brook University Psychology Department Research Grant, Fall 2016 Stony Brook University GWISE Scientist of the Month, October 2015 Stony Brook University Psychology Department Travel Grant, Fall 2014 Shippensburg University Research Travel Grant, 2011-2012 National Cancer Federation Education Grant, 2012 Office Address: Wilson College 1015 Philadelphia Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201