SPN 370/570: Topics in Hispanic Literatures Read more about SPN 370/570: Topics in Hispanic Literatures Courses offered on an occasional basis in response to student interest in topics in Hispanic literatures, including the literatures of Spain, Latin America and the U.S.
SPN 242: Advanced Spanish Conversation and Phonetics Read more about SPN 242: Advanced Spanish Conversation and Phonetics Intensive practice in conversational Spanish with a special emphasis on the phonetic aspects of the language, including pronunciation, intonation, rhythm and phraseology. Prerequisite: SPN 209. FT
SPN 240: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition Read more about SPN 240: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition Uses short texts in a variety of modes (expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, etc.) as models for weekly compositions, including personal essays, journals and letters, creative compositions, business correspondence, etc. There will also be intensive practice in translation from English to Spanish. This course aims for correctness of expression, vocabulary acquisition and some basic stylistic sophistication. Prerequisite: SPN 202/209. FT
SPN 325/525: Hispanic Nation in Narration Read more about SPN 325/525: Hispanic Nation in Narration Addresses the relationship between the creation of the modern western nation-state and narrative in the Hispanic world. Delves into how national identities, and thus nations, are written into existence, exploring literature, literary theory and political ideologies. Prerequisite: SPN 240 or SPN 242 for SPN 325; English Foundations course and 200-level course in any discipline for SPN 325T; permission of instructor for SPN 525 or SPN 525T. HWC, LIT, WI
SPN 324/524: Hispanic Women Writers Read more about SPN 324/524: Hispanic Women Writers Focuses theoretically and practically on how women writers were able to open up spaces for their own artistic creation within the traditional, patriarchal boundaries erected by masculine authority/authorship in the Hispanic world. Prerequisite: SPN 240 or SPN 242 for SPN 324; English Foundations course and 200-level course in any discipline for SPN 324T; permission of instructor for SPN 524 or SPN 524T. WS, LIT, WI
SPN 323/523: Coloniality in the Hispanic World Read more about SPN 323/523: Coloniality in the Hispanic World Focuses on the various forms of colonialism (imperial, racial, ethnic and gendered) perpetrated and perpetuated in the Hispanic world (Spain and the Americas) through analysis of theoretical formulation and cultural constructions, such as literature, art, philosophy, politics and economics. Prerequisite: SPN 240 or SPN 242 for SPN 323; English Foundations course and 200-level course in any discipline for SPN 323T; permission of instructor for SPN 523 or SPN 523T. NWC
SPN 320/520: Hispanic Film Studies Read more about SPN 320/520: Hispanic Film Studies Focuses on cultural appreciation and understanding of the Hispanic world through the lens of film and the analysis of Hispanic films in light of film theories. Representative directors covered in the course include Almodóvar, Buñuel, Mañá, Iñárritu, Cuarón, Amenábar, Tabío, Llosa and Bielinsky. Prerequisite: SPN 240 or SPN 242 for SPN 320; English Foundations course and 200-level course in any discipline for SPN 320T; permission of instructor for SPM 520 or SPN 520T. ART
SPN 322/522: Spanish Translation Read more about SPN 322/522: Spanish Translation Focuses on English-Spanish and Spanish-English translation of a variety of types of texts, thus refining students’ linguistic proficiency and cultivating understanding of the cultural nuances of translation. Prerequisite: SPN 240 or SPN 242 for SPN 322 CD
SPN 321/521: Service Learning in Spanish Read more about SPN 321/521: Service Learning in Spanish Focuses on linguistic fluency, while at the same time centers on service to the Hispanic community in Chambersburg (i.e., ESL tutoring, migrant student mentorship, interpretation services). Prerequisite: SPN 240 or SPN 242 for SPN 321 CD
SPN 223: Hispanic Literatures Read more about SPN 223: Hispanic Literatures Serves as an introduction to the literatures of the Hispanic world (Spain, South America, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and the U.S.). Prerequisite: SPN 209. LIT