News published by the Office of Marketing and Comunications

New high-fidelity avatars for the Wilson College Nursing simulation lab

Two new "instructors" have joined the Wilson College nursing program. Two high-fidelity avatars have been purchased thanks to a generous $100,000 donation by WellSpan Health to the Wilson College Division of Nursing simulation lab. College Trustee Rhona S. Applebaum, Ph.D. gave an additional $50,000 to support their purchase and maintenance in the interactive lab.

Summer Orientation at Wilson

Summer Orientation is an important event a student's journey to become a member of the Wilson College family. This year the Class of 2026 spent time on campus  to get the scoop on their programs from faculty, set up their fall class schedules, learn about student support services, academic advising, and library services, all while getting to know future classmates. Their time at Wilson is off to a great start!

One Grand Reunion 2022

After two years of virtual reunions, Wilson College alums came together for One Grand Reunion. It was the 50th class celebration for 1970, 1971 and 1972. The weekend was full of reminiscing, catching up, and creating new memories. Here are a few photos from the event. 

Reunion 2022

Celebrate 107 New Teachers!

Wilson College Students Complete Pennsylvania Teacher Certification Program

Wilson College’s popular Teacher Certification Pathways (TCP) program is helping alleviate the national teacher shortage by offering a flexible and accessible path to teaching for anyone with a bachelor’s degree or higher. This year’s class is the largest in over a decade in part because so many people reconsidered their life goals during the pandemic lockdown and decided to pursue a more fulfilling and stable career such as teaching.

Commencement 2022 Recognitions and Celebrations

The days leading up to the Undergraduate and Graduate Commencement Ceremonies were packed with moments of recognition and celebration for the graduating students. 

Here are some photos from the events: Ring in Forward Ceremony, Baccalaureate Ceremony, Combined Honor Societies Ceremony, Nursing Convocation, Teacher Certification Pathways Completers Recognition, Veterinary Nursing Pinning Ceremony, and the President’s Garden Party. 

Senior Capstone Art Exhibition

Wilson will host a reception for Madison Smarsh’s senior capstone exhibition at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 27, at Bogigian Gallery in Lortz Hall. The exhibition will continue through May 15, 2022.

From Waynesboro, Pa., Smarsh is majoring in graphic design with a minor in photography. She created a body of work exploring the intersection of type (words) and image for her capstone project. She investigated the range of possibility separating the two components. Smarshwants “to use design and photography to address simple as well as complex compositional designs and concepts.”