George Washington’s Birthday Perhaps one of the most unique of Wilson’s bygone traditions is Washington’s Birthday, also called the Martha Washington Ball or the Minuet of 1776. This tradition consisted of Wilson students dressing up as either George or Martha Washington and performing period dances. The event was held in the dining hall, which was suitably decorated with an enormous American flag, Washington’s picture, and soft candlelight. Six seniors chose the junior dancers they wanted for partners prior to the evening’s festivities. The 1899 Pharetra describes “such an array of antique finery and powdered hair and rosy cheeks as is never seen elsewhere outside of fairyland”. Ladies wore elaborate brocade gowns, while the “gentlemen” wore knee breeches. According to the 1942 Conococheague yearbook, the dancing itself was composed of “deep curtsies, intricate turns, the flash of swords, [and] low bows” all to the tune of a minuet.