Faculty Announced for Master of Fine Arts Program Wilson College’s new, low-residency Master of Fine Arts program launching this summer has finalized the faculty who will lead the inaugural session. In addition to internationally renowned choreographer RoseAnne Spradlin, the New York City-based director of the M.F.A. program in choreography and visual arts, faculty members include: Dean Moss, a dance-based, multidisciplinary theater and video artist who is also a lecturer and former curator of the Kitchen in New York City. Moss has taught as a guest professor at the Tokyo National University of the Arts and as a visiting lecturer in the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University, for which he received a Certificate of Distinction in Teaching. Moss has received a number of honors and awards, including the 2014 Doris Duke Impact Award in Theater. Diana Puntar, an artist and assistant professor of sculpture at California Polytechnic State University whose most recent work involves sculptural and interactive installations as well as 2-D and 3-D object-making. A native of New York City, Puntar has an M.F.A. from The School of The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and is the recipient of two Pollock Krasner Foundation Awards. Marlon Barrios Solano, an interdisciplinary artist, educator, consultant, coach and online producer and curator based in the United States and Germany. Barrios Solano is the creator of dance-tech.tv and has developed mobile apps for festivals and colleges in Europe and the U.S. Also a guest lecturer and associated researcher at HZT in Berlin, he holds an M.F.A. in dance and new media from the Ohio State University. Wilson announced its new M.F.A. program in late February and began enrolling its first students, who come from New York, Pennsylvania, Arizona and France. Classes begin in July. The students will take courses in the history and philosophy of art; study current trends in art and performance; learn media techniques; explore the experience and meaning of ‘embodied’ movement and human form; and most importantly, work to develop their own artwork with mentoring and guidance provided by an experienced summer faculty. The M.F.A. was conceived and designed by Wilson arts faculty members Paula Kellinger, Philip Lindsey and Robert Dickson. Special events planned for summer sessions include performances by visiting artists and trips to the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., and the new Whitney Museum in New York City. For more information, contact RoseAnne Spradlin at roseanne.spradlin@wilson.edu. -- June 9, 2015 Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201